Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!
Andrew, Tricia, and Myla (4 months)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Thai Christmas in Denton

We couldn't resist another Thai Christmas, so we invited some Thai friends over to our house to celebrate Christmas! It was great... so fun to be with Thais and remember that we really did live in Thailand.

The first group picture (some came late) before I hacked in to the turkey. Ellen (to the left of Tricia) is a student at UNT in Denton and just loves Thais. She has a great relationship with a group of them and that's why we were able to invite them over for Christmas dinner. David (front right) was on our Stint team in Thailand and he was in town for the party.

We sat in our living room to eat dinner and then had our White Elephant gift exchange.

See the chicken on the left? When you press it's wing, it walked around and lit up and sang a song. It was the most coveted gift! It got stolen until it was "dead." Who would have thought?
So sad to let her chicken go!
Our last activity was reading a compilation of the Christmas story from Matthew and Luke. We got people to be actors to act out the story as we read it. It was a really funny way for them to hear the Christmas story, but we got to explain why it's so special to us at the end.

Plaa (on the couch) was Mary. She was not into it at the beginning. Kysang (standing) is the angel, telling Mary she is going to have a baby.
"Elizabeth" is holding the chicken as John in her womb. You should have seen her act out when it was actually birthed. Hilarious!
Narm (standing) is a shepherd. She's holding a cane of M&M's as her shepherd's staff. Sitting on the couch is Pat playing Joseph.
May is a wiseman pointing at Mary on the couch holding baby Jesus (the chicken) wrapped in swaddling cloths (Plaa's scarf).
At the end of the night, we took a picture of everyone with their gifts. So fun!


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cross 09

November 9th - 11th was the Cross 09 event for Campus Crusade for Christ movements all over the United States. Since our staff team is an ESM (Ethnic Student Ministry) team, we got to host other staff who wanted to participate in cross-cultural ministry! Some staff from the University of Texas in Austin and the Regional Office came to do ministry with our team.

Andrew and I are still raising support full time, so we are not able to be on campus right now. BUT, we got special permission to participate in Cross 09! It was great for us to have some renewed vision. We are spending our time only meeting new people, sharing our vision with them, and asking them to join our team, and this is difficult work for us. It can be hard for me (Tricia) to remember that God is the great Provider, and that He is sovereign over the timing of our support-raising. But I was super-encouraged to be around other staff and to get to interact with students.

The highlight for me (Tricia) was getting to visit the Destino movement at UNT here in Denton. Erin, our team leader, has been meeting with a group of Latino-American students who are interested in growing spiritually. Recently they told her they aren't good at reading the Bible and want to understand better how to understand scripture. So she is spending Tuesday nights with them, telling them about how the entire Bible is the story of the Creation, Fall, and Redemption of all created things, and how it all points to Jesus as the Redeemer. During Cross 09, though, the Destino group wanted to learn about evangelism, so Erin asked me if I would come lead the workshop. Of course I would! I love talking about evangelism and doing evangelism training. Here are some pictures from the Destino night:
We started out at Olivia's house and her 3 other friends and our group of 8 staff all ate dinner together
Then we headed to UNT and Erin introduced our time together
Some students and staff in the audience

On the right is Daniella, a student who is really interested in becoming a Christian since the evangelism workshop!

You can see the diagram in the background. Another staff friend taught it to me, so I passed it along when I taught it to the students. It explains how the invitation to be in a relationship with Jesus is more like a marriage covenant than a business contract.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Back in Business

So much has happened since we left Thailand and moved to Denton, TX. Here are a few updates...

We bought our first house!

I made it through the Texas summer in my last 3 months of pregnancy.
This was taken the night before Myla was born on a date to the Square in Denton.

We prepared our house for the arrival of our daughter, Myla.

Myla Abigail Dealy is here! Born on August 19th, 2009, 21 inches long, 7 pounds 11 ounces.

We have been assigned to the Dallas Metro Ethnic Student Ministry (ESM) team. We'll be raising financial support full time until we've reached 100%, but after that we will be doing a lot of work with international students on many campuses in the Dallas area. (UNT is 10 minutes away, so we'll get to know lots of international students there!)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Our Apartment

I haven't posted in months! I took these pictures a while ago and forgot to put them on.

If you're wondering what the inside of our apartment looks like, here it is!

This door is our front door. So the door and big window are in front behind the TV. The short cabinet to the left is the shoe cupboard b/c Thais keep their shoes in a cupboard by the door, they don't wear them in the house.

This is what you see from the front door... the living/kitchen room, separated by a classy pleather couch...

A better view of the indoor kitchen... that door leads to the outdoor kitchen (sink, stove, and washing machine outside).

Door to the outside kitchen (and to our Thai neighbor's outside kitchen)...

Stove/washing machine. Emily lives right over that wall behind the washing machine!

This is the "ant cupboard." People keep their food in here so ants don't get in the food... and the ants stay away because of those purple bowls at the bottom. The bowls are filled with water and ants can't swim! We had terrible ants in Chiang Mai, but since we're the first to live in our apartment it isn't so bad yet. We have more spiders than anything else.

Close up of the "moat" bowl...

Upstairs there are two bedrooms that each have a bathroom attached. These bathrooms have a shower, toilet, and sink all in about a 15-square foot room. We have one "dry" bathroom in our bedroom and the "wet" bathroom in the office room.

So here's the office...

Leading to the wet bathroom...

Our hot water heater! I couldn't get a good shot, but that shower head points directly down to the toilet.

I guess I forgot to take pictures of the bedroom... maybe I'll get some soon.